June 27 2022 0Comment
bathroom remodeling Newport Beach, CA

5 Reasons Why Summer Is Great for Bathroom Remodeling

Summer is here and while this time of year makes you think of pool parties and vacations, it might not make you think of bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach, CA. However, if you are planning on remodeling your bathroom, this can be the perfect time of year. Here are five reasons why.

1. Nice Weather

When dealing with any remodel, the weather can play a big role in how fast (or slow) it gets done. With contractors having to perform some work outside, if there are frequent storms or rain, it can halt the progress. Since the summer typically has less rain, means more work can be done.

Also, the summer brings with it longer days. With more daylight, contractors can work longer hours. This means your overall project can be done more quickly than in other seasons with shorter days such as the winter.

2. Get Out of the House

Bathroom remodels can take weeks to complete. With the kids being out of school for the summer, it’s a great opportunity to take a vacation and have the remodel completed while you and your family are away.

If you would rather stay close while the work is being completed, head to a local hotel with a pool and other amenities and have a staycation. You could even opt to stay at home but take day trips to local museums, amusement parks, and other fun attractions to get away from the chaos.

3. More Contractor Availability

This isn’t always the case and will depend on things like current trends and weather, but oftentimes, summer can be slower for contractors. This may mean that you can have your project started sooner and completed quicker than in a hectic, prime busy time.

4. New Bathroom for Holiday Gatherings

Having a new bathroom complete before the hectic holiday season can be a life saver. First of all, you won’t have to try and juggle the remodel with the busy holidays. Secondly, if you have guests over for holiday parties or out of town guests that may stay with you, having a nice, a newly remodeled bathroom can come in quite handy.

5. Gives You Time to Settle Back In

Remodeling any room in the house can leave behind dust and debris and a bathroom remodel is no different. Having your bathroom remodel done in the summer months gives you time to get everything straightened up, cleaned, and settled. It also gives you a chance to add your personal touches and get everything just perfect before the busy fall season begins.

bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach CA 300x198Final Thoughts

While any time of the year is a good time for a bathroom remodel, summer brings with it its own set of advantages. Being able to get away from the chaos with a vacation and giving you time to get settled and organized before the busy fall and holiday seasons are just a couple of these reasons.

If you would like to talk more about your bathroom remodeling in Newport Beach, CA. give us a call. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to help you get the bathroom of your dreams. Call today.